Tuff Fitty Swim & Track nights
Many of our coached training sessions stay under the radar on our weekly round up’s as our press is primarily directed at our members out and about in the UK and abroad, doing amazing feats. However much of this is only achievable through our brilliant band of Tuff coaches whose dedication helps give Tuff Fitty members that extra edge.
The Tuff coaches are trained ‘in house’ and with the new round of British Triathlon qualifications in the autumn we are adding more to our thirteen coaches on our team.
Our coached swims at the new Littlehampton Wave continue to attract good numbers. Haven’t seen the new facilities yet? Pool swims continue at 8pm on a Thursday and Saturday at 5pm where (strictly alphabetically) our coaches Chris, Clive, Debbie, Kev, Nikki, Paul, Steve, Stew, Tony & Wendy look forward to putting us all through our paces. Great news in that Helen Bull has joined the swim team with her array of qualifications, Drew is also joining the rota and Tiff is looking to start her coaching qualifications in the autumn. To all swimmers who have yet to experience the new ‘Wave’ the format is, meet circa 15 minutes before the start time in the seated area by reception where the swim money is paid – £4 for Tuff’s and £6 non-members (a drink bottle poolside is recommended) and you will need a £1 refundable coin for lockers. .
Tuff Fitty hire the Worthing Leisure Centre Track on a Wednesday evening where our coached session runs from 7pm for anything between 1 hour and one and a quarter depending on the set. For those who have yet to try the session it has gained the nickname ‘the Durrington Project’ as regular track work will pay dividends come race day. Cost a bargain £2, (a drink bottle for trackside is recommended) we start with a four lap warm up before launching into a series of drill and technique exercises – which explains some of the ‘weird poses’ in the track photos from last week. The sessions are structured by our coaches Andy & Dave and our regular attendees and first timers are equally welcome.
Last week despite the lead up to some races including Worthing Triathlon, we had a good turnout. Particular thanks to four newbies who attended, Aivis, Andy, Charlie & Louis – great running gents.
Did you know that our usage of the track extends from 6pm until 9pm so for those looking to pound out the miles for longer distance you are welcome to start earlier/stay later.