Weekend Round Up 29th 30th June
With 24 Tuff competitors at Worthing Triathlon that justified a separate report. However there is plenty more to report on as follows:-

Joe Pascoe has been entering some different events, and this weekend he was in Kent for the Leeds Castle Triathlon. A big event with 493 finishers in the Sprint race, with Joe joining the start line for the Standard Distance event. Joe is quite self deprecating in his report, but when viewed against 544 who started, it included a quality field and the first female to finish would still be 2.5 minutes behind him. His finish time of 2 hrs 22 is excellent as highlighted by the scenic action shot of Joe exiting the moat in our banner shot and feet out of the shoes on his bike ready for transition above. He reports:-
“The castle grounds were stunning, it was all quite relaxed. Wetsuits were banned as the castle moat is only about 4ft deep so it had warmed up nicely after Saturday’s heatwave.”
“The swim was a 2 lap loop crossing under the arches of the castle on each lap.”
“Without swallowing too much water, I exited the swim in the 20th and then steadily got overtaken by masses of people on the bike leg along the A20. It turns out the A20 to Ashford is not very exciting.”
“In T2, I managed to bounce someone else’s bike off the rack when I put mine on the other end of the scaffolding.”
“The run was a two lap off road course with a fair few climbs. At this point I realised my legs had nothing left and I resembled a Womble hobbling up the hills. Not even a young Womble – more of an Uncle Bulgaria.”
“All in all I was happy just to get over the finish line.”
“Finished 46th overall and 10th in AG.”

Trevor Harvey reports in from a humid Half Marathon in the West Country:-
A family get together was planned to coincide with the snappily titled “North Devon area of natural beauty Half and Full Marathon”.
Myself, Clive & Stu were joined by big Brov Paul (Itchen Spitfires Running Club), to undertake the half. The full route is a figure of eight, with the half following the first loop. A tough trail run, starting off at Woolacombe, along the back of the beach through the dunes and sand before joining the track up and round Baggy Point, following the coast path. Round to Croyde Bay, more soft sand, hard sand and wet feet crossing the runoff down the beach. Rock, stone, sand and many stairs before a contour round the headland to Saunton….and then straight up, up many steps before heading over the top, through fields and woodland to rejoin the track at Woolacombe and back to the finish.

A hot day; a mix of terrain, hills, and many stiles – often with a short queue over the stiles and through pinch points in the dunes – but as the title says, a true area of natural beauty. Stunning scenery.
A very enjoyable run, very well organised and friendly as a fundraiser by a local hospice. Crossing the finish you are rewarded with a medal and a cream tea. Stu was 1HH, (1st Harvey home), followed by me and my two brovs. I completed in 2 hr 23, 6th in old git category, which given the terrain I was more than happy with, and 2 minutes faster than last year.

Chris. Danny & Jay at Sussex Trail events have only just completed their Prison marathon but here they were organising their marathon madness again. Locally based in the evening (headtorches required) runners could run 7 consecutive days marathons, or 5 in five or three in three or tackle the same over a half marathon distance. There were some great performances and after helping to marshal on one of the days Jason Rae completed day three of the evening’s marathons himself; great work by all in the heat.

Sussex University was the setting for the latest Maverick’s race giving an option of a 5km run, 15k or 23km all heading up to the South Downs Way & Ditchling Beacon which is the 3rd Highest point in the South Downs National park.
We had two club members running. Firstly a great performance from Paul Martin who ran the 15km race. Across this distance there were 208 finishers and Paul finished 10th overall – a great result. Debbie Boxall is a fan of the Maverick events, usually held on a Saturday, and here she was again prior to dashing across to Worthing to be event manager for the Triathlon. Well done to both Paul & Debbie

Next up a pair of Tuffs entered Saturday’s Brewin Dolphin summer sportive. Starting off on a coastal route past Fawley and then up to Beaulieu before splitting for a 45 mile route, 69 miles or the Epic of 97 miles. Sharon Tidmarsh rode the Epic route of 97 miles which covered 4,061 feet of climbing with Grant Smalley. A great ride from Sharon gaining silver award. Ross Court also took part riding in the Standard 69m route. He adopted an approach which barely used the aid stations, pushing hard and setting a gold standard award. Ross reports:-
“It was a beautiful ride with loads of wild horses and pony’s everywhere,
After I left Mark Potter at the epic/standard split of the course I was completely on my own for the next 2.5hours until I caught the short route groups back up. Finish time was 3hours 59 minutes. I was the first standard bike back by some time but have no idea where I placed.”
Another important weekend looms. We wish the following every success. Richard Hobbs who is in Germany for the full distance Challenge Roth. Matt Whittaker representing Team GB in Romania for the ETU Targu Mures Middle Distance Champs. Clive, Nicole, Jon, Tiff, Glenn & Debbie in Tenby for the Long Course weekend. Whatever people are up to, whether training or racing this weekend – good luck.

At Bognor Park Run, Jason Rae was in action again after a marathon a couple of days before. Jason accrued his 108th Park Run. Littlehampton Park Run saw Adrian Oliver complete as did Jane Bridgeman. Worthing Park Run was quieter this week ahead of the Triathlon but there was still Chris Sloggett in 23:32 completing his 110th Park run, and Elaine Rousseau competing her 76th. Up at Horsham Park Run, two swift times recorded by Ian Moore and Leigh Moore, presumably this was a ‘dog free’ run as normally they have to stop for Ruby & Sam.
For expediency in preparing the Round Up if you are not registered as a Tuff or under your running club on the Park Run registration system, there is a risk you may not get a mention as the new user friendly Park Run results helps to identify club runners saving time for the editor – you have been warned.