Weekend Round Up 12th 13th October
It was another ‘Super Saturday’ for Tuff Fitty. An early morning start for our club run at Arundel to take in ‘undulations and 12 miles’. At Chichester it was the Lake swim. Then it was across to Goodwood for the start of the Cross Country League, back to Littlehampton for the Saturday Swim and then upstairs for the very successful Kona bike spin – read on.

Tuff Fitty are keen to ensure club members have a wide variety of activities and events to help motivate each other so we were very grateful to Nicole Patterson-Lett who came up with the idea of ‘The Kona Spin’. This initiative was to get the Ironman World Champs on the big screen and some gentle spinning ensued whilst the swim got underway. However once the lead man got onto his bike – GO; the aim then was to clock up the mileage until the lead man dismounted into transition at the end of their 112 miles. Over four hours on the bike, how would that go? The answer was amazingly well. Some had a plan of steady long stints, others for shorter sprints with frequent changes. However whatever the plan, teammates got riders out the saddle pedalling to start changing bike positions so as to not to lose any time on the switch over, and team members surreptitiously viewed other teams watt and mileage output, no competition there then! – Nicole reports:-
“30 Tuff Fitty’s and guests (Daphne & Steve Belt and Jon Frost) made up 10 teams to cycle ‘Kona’ in the LA leisure centre spin room (it felt as hot as Hawaii with all our sweaty bods!) The atmosphere was brilliant, with competitive banter, encouragement and impressive fanning from Graham and Adrian in particular!
So the stats! We span/spun/spinned…kept cycling! for 4hrs 16mins and together covered 1485km. Most importantly we raised a total of £343 for Coastal West Sussex MIND… £235 from the cycle entry fees and donations, and £108 for the Babbage’s Tuffy Duck auction. We were all winners really (cheesy?!) but those that cycled the furthest will get a prize at the Tuff Awards Night.
Big thanks to Denise from Coastal West Sussex MIND who joined one of the girls teams (and may have been persuaded to join the Tuffs!) and to The Protein Ball Co.– we love your balls, they kept us all going.”
Everyone agreed it was a fun event; Thanks to Nic, and also to Graham Liddell (and his committee) who does so well as our Mental Health lead champion under our #NOT2TUFF2TALK initiative, and to the management and staff at The Littlehampton Wave who supported the event enabling such a fun and financially rewarding event to proceed. (Click on the photo below for the album)

Being affiliated to Sussex Athletics/England Athletics enables Tuff Fitty to take part in the annual cross country league. Race 1 was held at Goodwood; a popular venue, although persistent rain and a mist shrouded landscape didn’t present the venue in the best light. However despite several out of action with injury there was still a great turnout.

The ladies were first off at 2:05pm and congratulations to Juliette Reader, first Tuff home, Hazel Tuppen, Kate Cooper and Debra Cauchy-Duval, with three required to score it places us in the top half of the table. Next up the men and it was gratifying to see a good number turn up despite the weather. With junior races having started at 12 and more than 500 runners across all age groups the course was getting churned up in places, but it was a great performance. Alex Webb was the best placed Tuff with Jon Babbage and Matt Whittaker in hot pursuit. Paul Martin, Nick Bolding and pleasing to see Dave March on the comeback trail following his injury. That Pete Littleboy, Adrian Oliver and Murray Hodge also raced meant that everyone scores & we have Tuff Fitty Team A, B & C on the league with the ladies Tuff Fitty Team A & B.
Race number two is our closest to home venue – Lancing Manor, and we need competitors to ensure each of our league places remain – so it would be appreciated if Saturday 9th November can be placed in the diary. We have the added incentive in that men’s team A are handily placed in Division III – 2nd which is a promotion slot; so can we maximise our potential?. Look out for Tuff City – the Gazebo was standing proudly keeping people dry and the chairman handed out choccy bars to the Tuff finishers .

Click on the album below for the Tuff runners

Tribal’s final visit to Westhampnett Lake of the year saw swimmers offered the choice of 10k, 5k, 3k or 1k swims. Whilst 100 competitors took part, perhaps due to the cross country and Kona ride, we had just one member swimming – Andy Tester – but definitely a case of quality over quantity.
Andy advised that “it was a well organised, chilled Tribal event. Mild weather, flat water although a little fresh in the wet stuff. Not quite the time I was aiming for but very happy with a great result to end a fantastic year of open water swimming.” “Time to return to the chlorine bath (although may venture out in the sea over the winter) and plan for 2020”.
Andy being modest didn’t mention that he swam the long distance 10k event and that he came first by almost five minutes – a great result. Also worth giving a shout to Mark who came fifth in the 10k and came along to our next Thursday swim training to see what Tuff Fitty have to offer.

Next up a report from Debbie Gatland who returned from a race in northwest Stockholm, along with Nikki & Alice, stated to be the country’s fast autumn 10k:-
“It’s been 2 years since I have completed a 10k event. Little did I know that I would be a stone heavier and both knees would still be giving me trouble. A vicious circle I know!
Anyway, we entered a 10k in Stockholm months ago in anticipation of our recoveries, but it was not to be. Not to be outdone by me and Nikki, Alice turned her ankle in the weeks before the event. So it was with tired (apparently I snore!) heavy hearts that we arrived at the course just outside Stockholm. Having walked the major sights in the previous days our legs were also tired but the sun was shining for a change and the temperature mild for the time of year, perhaps things wouldn’t be so bad after all. I was in Exercise class 3 starting 20 mins after Alice and Nikki in Class 2. On another occasion they would have made the Competition class but at least we were before the Motion class.
Everything you imagine about Stockholm is true, very clean and spacious. Lots of greenery and plenty of water. The fit, bright young things are slim and blonde, working on their laptops in designer lounges and cafes eating herring and liquorice! Even in the outlying districts the most striking thing is the lack of litter and rubbish in the streets.
As I was trotting around the course I was considering what I should call my race report and decided that ‘meatball rolling around 10k’ would do it. I was fairly comfortable up to 7k and then fatigue set in. I managed to finish in a not very respectful time, and Nikki and Alice did amazingly considering their lack of training. Wanting to reduce any inflammation they then had a dip in the Baltic on the banks of Stockholm. I had a lovely warm shower which is probably why I can hardly walk.
It is always good fun to run abroad and I just need to focus for my next big birthday trip next year which I think will be the Midnight Sun Run – Reykjavik . You are welcome to join me.”

Kevin Pearson attended the Spartan Super event at Windsor. Kev did very well coming 4th in his age group and whilst the above photo shows him in action, other competitors took a leap too far with a couple of broken ankles at the first obstacle! (our coach always advises to land on both feet!) 13km and 25 obstacles to overcome – impressive work.

Race number 15 in this year’s West Sussex Fun Run League. Held at Lindfield, this 8km route saw Linda Wright and Elaine Rousseau run.

At Littlehampton Park Run whilst Clive Patterson-Lett has parkruns under his belt, this was his first time at Littlehampton and promptly romped home 5th overall in 19:38. Next home one of our newer members Harry Finnigan completing his first parkrun. Good work by Adrian Oliver who helped marshal ahead of his cross country. Up at Horsham Park Run, Ian and Leigh Moore ran round together. Worthing Park Run saw Chris Sloggett out on his 121st parkrun, then Tim Kenny on his 71st, & Elaine Rousseau 84th