Weekend Round Up 26th 27th October.
With British Summertime complete, what incentive is there to get out of an evening in the dark? The answer is Tuff Fitty training which continues throughout the winter
Monday Evening Run – Meet 6pm outside Littlehampton Wave to start the run at 6:15pm
Wednesday Track Night 7pm at Worthing Leisure Centre – currently £2 per person
Thursday Evening Swim 8pm at Littlehampton Wave £4 for Tuff members -£6 for non-members
Saturday late afternoon Swim 5pm at Littlehampton Wave – both swims meet in reception 15 minutes prior to swim start where the fee is paid
The above in addition to our Saturday morning runs, and Sunday morning cycles that are organised, plus some Festive specials as we move into December. But for now, still race action, and pleasing to report on two members each achieving their first marathon and a first 10 miler.

Very blustery conditions were perhaps not the most ideal of conditions for the Beachy Head Marathon, but that didn’t deter seven club members from running. Included in this number was Shelley Babbage who has achieved so much this year and here she was undertaking her first marathon, and reports:-
Banner shot, l to r ; Jason Rae, Elle Williams, Shelley & Jon Babbage.
“So on the 26th October I was facing my biggest challenge the Beachy Head marathon. I knew this day was coming and I’ve been trying to ignore it, every time it was mentioned I would do a nervous laugh, maybe possibly nearly cry lol. Anyway the day arrived and we headed to Eastbourne. We collected our numbers saw Elaine Rousseau and then saw Jason Rae. Off we went (myself and Jon) to the bag drop and to get ready. Still in my head I was ignoring what I was just about to take on. 9am arrived and off we went, the start was a very big hill that unless you were at the front you would not be able to run up it, well that’s fine by me; I was happy to walk. Well the hills did not end there it was hill after hill. We got to mile 6 and I thought there is no way I can do another 20 miles!! I thought just do what you can do so I carried onto the next hill, and then the next and then the next; you get the idea lol!!! There was steps, hills, and wind although on a positive there was no rain. The Marshall’s were brilliant, so encouraging and a lots of them. The aid stations were amazing, Jon had a little picnic going on, there was lots of lovely treats on offer, chocolate, biscuits, even hot cross buns and sausage rolls. Sadly I couldn’t face eating anything but it looked great. I was lucky to have Jon stay with me the whole time, he was brilliant. At around mile 12 Elle Williams went whizzing past us, she was looking really strong. We eventually made it to the seven sisters, I had heard about the 7 sisters but never encountered them before. The surroundings were beautiful but the hills were just horrendous. I was feeling very jealous of people with walking poles something I may invest in. I had a little wobble at this point, but a bit of encouragement from Jon and a hug, I wiped my eyes and carried on. We arrived at the final check point and I remember a Marshal shouting at us saying well done you’re all amazing, so proud of you all, and that was it. I got all emotional again, had a little talking to myself and thought well you’ve come this far, god knows how, but here I was ready to take on the last 5k-ish. It was a massive struggle there was no running involved it was definitely a very slow jog. At long last there it was, that finish line just down that terrible hill we did at the start, hobble down the bloody steps and that was it, it was all over!! I had done it. Jon and I crossed the line together. It was a very big challenge something I’m proud to have done Jon staying with me made it all a lot easier. Yes it took me a long time to finish, but I just think 10 months ago I could not complete 5k without walking so I think I have done OK. If anyone is thinking of doing this then I would say definitely do it, the views and the course are stunning. Yes there is a lot of hills but you can definitely do it. Next year there is a half marathon option which looks good.
Huge congratulations to Chris Sloggett, just two minutes ahead of Linda Wright, Jason Rae, Elle Williams, Shelley & Jon Babbage and Elaine Rousseau.

Whilst we acknowledged the achievements of Richard Hobbs & Claire Moyle last week, Claire has submitted her race report from the Southsea/Portsmouth based event:-
“The great south run has been on the radar for a while but injury has always prevented me doing it and it almost stopped me again this year. It was the final goal on my list so despite a pulled calf muscle I was determined to achieve it. I have never run more than 10k but I went out with the mindset of just getting round. The course was flat and everybody was very supportive, music every mile and plenty of jelly babies. I had a plan which worked 30seconds normal pace 30 seconds slower pace , with a calf stretch every mile. I used this plan for the first 5 miles and the calf was sore but ok, from then on it was find a pace midway between the 2 and go for it. I finished in 2 hr 5 mins with an average pace of 12,24 so not too bad. Loved the race and would do it again. Next goal half marathons
Richard Hobbs did so well with his stunning time, and with Claire gaining recognition above, we need to give a shout out to Hobbsie’s amazing 63 minute finish.

There has been several mentions in the round up regarding Andy Crawford who has raced at several high profile qualifiers this year. These included Dorney Lake, Barry Island and in September the sprint race at Brighton & Hove Triathlon. As per usual with Andy’s strong running he was looking good to qualify for the Sprint distance at the ITU World Triathlon Edmonton. Unfortunately due to a large pile up at Brighton the bike was suspended mid race and this jeopardised Andy’s qualification bid. However after a tense wait submitting this years results Andy has now learnt he has qualified and will be joining Joe Pascoe who qualified for the same event earlier this year. Congratulation to both Andy & Joe and wishing them luck in Canada .

Lancing Manor Leisure Centre is known to many of our members as the base for the Cross Country League (our next visit is on 9th November). However it also serves as Lancing Eagles fixture in the Fun Run league. Race 16 saw two club members running – Tim Mcgrath & Linda Wright. (Linda just the day after Beachy Head – impressive) This 5 mile race comprised trails over hilly chalky tracks and paths to Steepdown trig point and back.

There was no Littlehampton parkrun this week due to the firework celebrations and fair – which as it transpired were also postponed. At Worthing parkrun, good work from Paul Martin, first Tuff home in 21:06. Next home Amanda de Ridder as 8th lady home with Tim Kenny completing the Worthing trio. At Horsham Parkrun, Leigh & Ian Moore ran.
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Annual General Meeting. There was a summary of our activities from our chairman and a financial statement from our Treasurer, both of whom were voted back & agreed to continue in their roles. Jane Custance took over the role of Secretary during the year and we have been very grateful to both Catharine Western & Tom Gray for the work they have both put in over a long period. Unfortunately with work and family commitments they have stepped down but are still actively involved. Your full committee for the coming year (in alphabetical order) are:-
Anthony Towers – Treasurer Clive Harvey – Chairman Clive Patterson-Lett – Committee Coach rep and Kit Drew Gowland – Committee James Brock – Marketing Jane Custance – Secretary Nicole Ewer – Social Sue Neilson – Social Wendy Frost – Committee Coach Rep
Tuff Fitty remain in a strong financial position and as a club run by members for its member we ask that if anyone has any ideas for different training sessions or events to let us know. The AGM also signifies the start of the new Tuff year and so membership fees are now due, with a £5 discount if submitted before the 31st December. Individual emails have been sent to all members.