Latest Covid Update
Thank you to all members of our club for the great way in which Tuff Fitty have adhered to Government guidelines over the past weeks – it is much appreciated. Individual, virtual training and challenges have managed to keep everyone active, although this is still a very long way short of where we would like to be as a fully functioning club.
British Triathlon Federation have today updated their advice and extended the lockdown on all sanctioned events until the 1st August 2020. The advice further extends in saying any permits for any type of race won’t be considered until the 4th July and it is clear that ‘Group Activity’ is suspended at least until the 4th July. The BTF will monitor weekly to reassess the position, but currently the guidelines for ‘Club Activity’ is only to meet up only with one other person outside your family.
The full BTF statement is here
The last set of Government guidelines did enable more outdoor exercise. Phil Baker has highlighted that a lake up in Surrey at Godstone is opening for open water swimming, although this is only on an individual ‘social distance’ basis (here). Chichester Lake is now looking at tentative ways of re-opening but that will prioritise ‘on water’ activities with swimming a way down the list. Of course we are lucky to have the sea on our doorstep and individually members have been, or are taking steps to dip their toe in the water. If this applies to you, BTF have issued the following guidelines shown here
To all our members it is worth stating that our committee, like all our members, are itching to meet up for the Tuff camaraderie and training as soon as it is practical and Government guidelines permit. To this end your committee are meeting (virtually) at least every two weeks to tentatively look at training events and venues to try and ensure that we can react quickly and safely to any subsequent easing of restrictions. In the meantime, if anyone has any ideas or challenges to help motivate members during the ‘social distance’ guidelines, do not hesitate to contact any of the committee:- Anthony, Clive, Drew, Iris, Jimbo, Nicole, Shelley, Sue, or Wendy, and in particular Drew & Sue who are our event co-ordinators.
There have been some great individual results training and the Tuff Bingo is still running. What is particularly gratifying is how many Tuffs have linked their own training/challenges into raising money for charity. Congratulations to James Brock, Chris Sloggett Debbie Boxall & Iris Bennett (who supported her daughter’s great fund raising). Apologies to anyone missed out, we would be more than happy to add you to this roll call.
Thank you to everyone for their patience. Stay Safe and keep in touch