Round up week ending 9th August

We start this Round Up with congratulations to Chris & Sara Robinson. After the Covid restrictions, their wedding went ahead in Worthing recently. From everyone at Tuff Fitty, we wish Chris & Sara every happiness for the future.

Tuff Fitty were delighted to secure weekend bookings to resume our pool swim training at Arundel Lido. A pool in the open air, & wide open spaces , provides a great environment to resume activities whilst abiding by all existing Covid restrictions adhering to social distancing. Whilst we have had to restrict numbers significantly this has been addressed by hiring the pool for two consecutive hours with different swimmers each hour. Negotiations continue with our main home, The Wave as to when we can return, but in the interim Lido swims continue (booking required please) on Friday & Sunday evenings until 11th/13th September. This is subject to no tightening of Government guidelines. It is worth stating that as a heated pool, the swims will continue regardless of the prevailing weather and usual Tuff swim fees apply. The resumption of pool swimming is excellent news, with members pleased to be able to gradually start getting back together. Thanks to Arundel Lido who have played their part ensuring standards of cleanliness and taking everyone’s temperature prior to entry.

We are fortunate to be able to use the Lido but also as a coastal club, a large number have been keeping active in the sea. After the success of our Corona Run- individual series, our Corona Cruisin’ seas swims are building nicely with some very competitive swims.
Swimmers have the choice of a Bronze course 1,000m, Silver (middle distance) 1,900m swim or the full glory Gold swim, 3,800m. Running parallel with the shore in a linear direction, it is open to all members to submit their times. The challenge runs through until the end of August so still time to pick the right tide/weather/current to propel you. The swim can be either wetsuit attired or skins. As ever, do please Swim Safe, it has been nice to see some ‘buddy up’ groups enabling the initiative to proceed safely under guidelines. The rules and ‘top tips’ for selecting the right tides are HERE
There have been some quick times, but there are still several of our super quick swimmers keeping their attempts under wraps for now so we are likely to see a very competitive conclusion as we move through August.

With Worthing Leisure Centre open, Wednesday 5th saw Andy Ward & Dave March lead a Track Test session with some of the regular tracksters. A successful evening where it was learnt a Track run could still be held within Covid guidelines. The evening was very humid but that didn’t detract from the runners who all had broad smiles on their faces.
So, off we go. This Wednesday 12th August at 7pm sees the resumption of our track sessions. August holiday period is usually a quieter time so no booking system will be in operation. However if there is demand we can add a non-coached session from 8pm. To simplifying things we do ask for payment by the Tuff Track Card which is £10 (available on the night) covering 5 sessions.

This round up is very swim orientated, but then it is summer after all. Whilst Corona Cruisin’ whetted many appetites for open water swimming, it was acknowledged that some may not have been so confident with salt water and waves around. We were grateful to our coaches, Andy Tester, Andy Ward, Niki Treacy & Paul Howie who held an open water swim seminar by Sea Lane Cafe. There was a good attendance and it proved a very useful evening; thanks to all who attended.

We had another of our popular Edge Velo rides scheduled for 19th April which understandably had to be cancelled due to the Pandemic. We are grateful to Richard Hobbs who is reorganising this cycle ride for Sunday 13th September.
The routes will be published closer to the date, although it is envisaged that, as before, there will be a couple of different routes. Riders will be set off in very small groups which will not only comply with Covid guidelines but prove effective for traffic management. The start location will be Edge Coffee in Ford finishing at the new Edge by the Sea at Littlehampton.
News reaches us of a very exciting project from Nikki Gatland and Jon Cassell. They are looking to enter the Talisker Atlantic rowing event in 2021. This gruelling quest can be summed up no better than by the video above.
Jon and Nikki will be raising awareness around Mental health and protecting our oceans. The organisation they have partnered with is called ‘Surfwell’. Surfwell use the ocean and surfing to support the mental health of our emergency services.
It is an interesting fact that more people have climbed Everest than rowed the Atlantic, and our dynamic duo have a huge task in raising £35k alone just for their boat.
Tuff Fitty wish to work with Nikki & Jon as they undertake their fundraising and we would like to ask our members to help them with this fund raising wherever possible. If anyone knows of any corporate sponsors who may be able to help, they would be delighted to hear from you.
The ongoing fund raising in the build up to the race will not only be to fund their entry but also to raise funds for ‘Surfwell’.
The first challenge has already been set which is to swim out to the Rampion Windfarm – & back! Please do ask either of Jon or Nikki for details and we hope the club will be able to support their fund raising venture

As some races start to resume this is a further reminder that anyone wishing to renew/or join UK Athletics, they need to hand over their £15 which lasts through until 31st March before the end of this month – 31st August. Payment to Clive Harvey who will process online for you.

Finally a huge thank you to all Tuffs for their patience and support during the Pandemic. We are by no means out the other side yet, and we fully understand that some members do not yet feel ready to return, or need to take extra care due to other circumstances. Whilst keen to re-establish the Tuff programme; everyone’s safety and our club’s adherence to guidelines is paramount. Your club fully understands, but if anyone has any questions or how we can accommodate a return for you, please do not hesitate to ask. We have tried to adapt, such as using an outdoor pool instead of indoor and if anyone has any suggestions, we would be pleased to hear from you. This is important as it does appear many of the restrictions or ‘new normal’ could be with us for a long while yet.
Thank you & stay safe