Weekend Round Up 19th 20th September
Despite Covid restrictions, some races have passed the vetting process of various governing bodies enabling more Tuffs to be out and about as follows:-

Our highly successful summer season of pool swims concluded at the end of Arundel Lido’s season. These swims were very well received and despite four hours each weekend across 8 weeks it didn’t rain at all, enabling everyone to enjoy the 28.6 degree water. Thanks to coaches who stood poolside.
Tuff Fitty are now starting to return to our home pool – Littlehampton Wave with our first Thursday session (8pm-9pm) taking place on the 24th September. In line with The Wave’s Covid guidelines we are restricted to 24 swimmers at this time – hence the booking form continues on our FB swim group. Unless there are further Covid restrictions our Thursday evening swims will continue each week. Due to restricted opening hours negotiations continue to re-instate our Saturday swim slot, which should enable a higher number of swimmers to participate. The restart date will be advertised as soon as an agreement has been reached,

Having been postponed from the 7th June. the Cotswold 70.3 Triathlon took place with Verity-Jane Lacey & Ross Court taking part – they take this week’s banner photo. With the event centred around the Ashton Keynes Water Park Verity & Ross had one lap of the lake (1.9k) for their swim before embarking on the flat 56 mile bike and concluding with the half marathon run across a mix of tarmac and trail pathways. Fellow Tuff Sharon Tidmarsh was present on cheerleading duties popping up around the course.

Ross produced his usual strong swim, just outside the top 10% and followed up with his trademark strong bike leg. Unfortunately his run didn’t go to plan resorting to a walk at times, but his first two disciplines still ensured he would finish well up the field with a time of 5 hours 54min.

Verity wasn’t far behind Ross on the swim, but then she stepped up a gear with a scorching 20th fastest female bike split continuing the strong form through onto the run course to complete the event in 5 hours 34 minutes. 4% of the field returned DNF’s highlighting how many competitors had found lockdown detrimental to their training, but it didn’t stop Verity & Ross doing very well out of a total field of 550.
Stop Press: Cotswold Classic 11th July 2021 has been selected as our Club Championship 70.3 (Middle Distance) race – many Tuffs in already

Held up at Nutbourne, competitors run around the Vineyard over a course of 2.08 miles. Not one for PB’s as the route is undulating trail running with 3 stiles to encounter…. on each lap! Previous years, competitors finish the race to receive a glass of wine, but in light of the ‘new normal’ the reward changed to £3 off a bottle of wine to accompany a medal. Well done to Leigh Moore who was second over the 6 laps distance by just 29 seconds and Ian Moore who raced the full 8.2 laps as second male for the Half distance. The second race in the series is 25th October. James Brock also took part recounting his experience below:-
“Sunday morning text from the captain saying that due to his heavy legs from a heavy week of training he wasn’t going to be cycling. Great! A lay in! Alas, my sister was taking part in the Pulborough vineyard race. Having not raced since Frosty I decided to see if there was a space. Good news was that a Foxy lady couldn’t make it so I bought her place”.
“There was the option of a 5k (2 laps) 10k (4 laps) or a half marathon. A picturesque setting with views over the vineyard and stunning rolling countryside. The race briefing started with a warning that it is a hilly course with exposed tree roots and drops. There were gates and stiles – “ This is not Tuff Mudder” was the main message. We were expected (and rightly so) to help people where needed”.
“I set off with big sis and sure enough within 10 minuets of running up hill I was blowing out my backside! A challenging course that proved my fitness is shocking and my extra lockdown weight need some serious attention. Either way, it was great to be back in a race environment and the post-race “high” was a much needed reminder of why we do these sports.”
“A bit of bling always completes a sunny Sunday morning.”
Editors note: Jimbo is too modest to mention that there were 19 competitors who contested his race distance and he came home first topping the results sheet.

Next up a report from Sue Neilson riding on Saturday at the New Forest Sportive. Also held on Sunday both rides were completely sold out. Sue reports
“Having entered the New Forest sportive in April it was no surprise when it was cancelled along with virtually all events this year.”
“What was a surprise was finding an email in my junk mail 2 weeks before the rescheduled event!”
“Having not ridden 100km previously I was a tad nervous!! However I was riding with Christine Holyoake who is a strong cyclist so I knew we wouldn’t be dawdling along!!”
“The day was bright but extremely windy and I was really chuffed to complete the cycle in less than 4 hours; at an average pace of 15mph which would have earnt us a ‘gold award’ if we hadn’t stopped at the fuel stations (energy bars/ bananas etc … not diesel) and with 2000ft if climbing it’s a great ride ‘in the bank’!!”
“A few of us are thinking about doing a half Ironman next year; so only a half marathon to run at the end of that distance on the bike!!”
“It’s going to hurt but will be a huge achievement for me if I can complete a half IM. After significant back surgery in 2012 I am so pleased to be back competing and being part of the ‘Tuff family’ … thank you guys for all your support.”
Saturday October 3rd sees a Club booking at Rookery Fit Farm at Flansham just off the A259 at 10:30am. Thanks to Captain Jon Babbage for organising this outing, bookings are already being snapped up and it is hoped more would like to come along. The cost is £24 and will be led by a couple of instructors, one of whom is our very own Kev Pearson. The duration of the morning is two hours. Fancy this? please contact either Jon or Tiff Orton to go on the list. Payment is acceptable into the standard Tuff Fitty bank account. The venue details are Rookery Fit Farm, Flansham Lane, Bognor Regis and the all important post code is PO22 6EP. It is suggested that you wear comfortable work-out clothes/trainers, eg tracksuit bottoms, long sleeved T-shirt, and that you bring a drinks bottle. The blurb on the website states :- “Rookery Fit Farm is a unique fitness assault course based in West Sussex offering weekly training for both men and women, designed to get you fitter in a friendly exciting environment”. There is a restriction on numbers to be Covid compliant, so don’t delay – contact Jon B or Tiff
A video of what to the type of challenges you will be faced follows:-
There are further events this weekend, a half marathon and importantly Outlaw X & Hever Castle Tri with Tuff representation – Good luck and don’t forget a couple of snaps for next week’s Round Up