Weekend Round Up 12th 13th June
The weekend saw the 20th anniversary of the Mid Sussex Tri having been postponed from last year. A great event with a snake 400m swim, 25km bike and 5k Run. It was most definitely Ladies day as we had Leah Simms and Vicky Cooper competing and earn this weeks banner shot. (Leah left and Vicky right). It is always nice to give a shout out to club members who give up their time so thanks go to Barry Davids who had a major organisational role with the event. Vicky reports:-
“In my post Arundel Triathlon high I signed up for the Mid Sussex Triathlon which took place less than a month later. Sunday 13th June rolled around, and it was time to load up the car and drive to Burgess hill at stupid o’clock”.
“Race registration had no queue and I got branded on my hand with my race number which I tried not to accidently wipe on my face. Then upon opening my race pack found a weird strap and a chip. What am I meant to do with these? Looking around, I felt I would look like a newbie if I asked someone what I was meant to do with it. A quick google while I waited for my time in transition to set up and I was ready”.
“I met up with fellow Tuff Leah Simms on my way to transition, we set up together and waited to be called to swim. They were calling people in waves and ripples, and it felt like a game of Bingo waiting for your number to be called to be taken to poolside”.
“The swim was very well organised, and I managed to remain calm and not go off to fast which meant I swam the whole 400mtrs front crawl which was an achievement for me”.
“On to the bike and I felt a lot more confident than in Arundel and I pushed as hard as I could to get round averaging 16mph, which was fast for me. This was great until I needed to run. Running was so hard, and it was hot, and my legs felt like bricks and blah blah blah …………needless to say, I just was not enjoying it. I kept having to tell myself, this will be over quicker if I just keep moving. As I got back to the leisure centre and finish in sight, I saw Leah and Karly Martin standing on the corner cheering and I tried to smile as I went through the finish”.
“Overall, I was pleased with my swim and ride, but I most definitely underestimated the amount of brick sessions needed. Who knew the one I did would not be enough? “

Centurion Running’s South Down 100 miler is a major challenge for anyone with entrants having to meet a qualifying standard of having completed a 50 mile run in under 15 hours before they could even have their entry accepted. With almost the whole route along the South Downs Way, held on the hottest weekend of the year with very high humidity, plus undulation of 12,700ft ascent, who would be up for the challenge? Perhaps unsurprisingly Jay McCardle would be on the start line and completed the full 100 miles in 21 hours 16 minutes, earning the coveted belt buckle for his achievements. Also running was Ian Moore. Ian ran for 71 miles to reach Saddlescombe Farm above Brighton which was a terrific distance in those conditions. Total respect to them both
With the warmer weather, Tuff Fitty’s group sea swims are well underway. Thanks to Captain’s Nicole Patterson-Lett and Jon Babbage for organising, Tuffs used The Beach Cafe opposite Littlehampton this weekend and there was an impressive 22 swimmers present.
Talks have been held with The Beach whilst their premises are being built and their facilities, whilst still a few weeks from full completion, are a massive boost for the seafront area. Tuff Fitty are looking at a potential partnership with The Beach. This will dovetail nicely with the watersport side of The Beach’s activities, including outdoor showers, and it is hoped we can stage more activities there to make use of their indoor seating/dining area in future.
With last Saturday seeing so many Tuffs swim, the owner stated the large number was inspiring and had attracted comments from many of the customers present. The Tuff Group swims will be tide dependent and advertised in advance but immediately we have Saturday 19th June at 6pm, & Saturday 26th June at 1pm. For swimmers looking to attend, please use a tow float and bright coloured swim cap, and arrive circa 15-20 minutes before the allotted time to get suited up and ready to swim.