Tuff Fitty – Triathlon England South East – Club of the year
STOP PRESS: -………………. The Chair was invited to a Zoom call by Triathlon South East for their awards ceremony on the 28th January; delayed from the Annual General Meeting last October. There were six award categories and Tuff Fitty were nominated in the club of the year category.
Across the awards many of the nominations were closely contested, and none so more than our category – club of the year. The final shortlist heading into the evening comprised, Tri Surrey, Medway Tri Club, Brighton Tri Club & Tuff Fitty.
One of the main triggers in getting our club onto the list was our very own Niki Treacy who put together a glowing submission extolling the work of our coaches, committee and members. Other nominations followed but what proved a very significant plus was in explaining how members viewed the club more as a family and all the activities, charity work, together with efforts Tuff Fitty put into keeping members connected during the pandemic:- these proved decisive.
Against some bigger clubs this is a fantastic achievement and having just celebrated our 30th anniversary this award is the icing on the cake. The South East comprises the whole of Surrey, Kent & both East & West Sussex encompassing 37 affiliated clubs.
British Triathlon will now send us a certificate and a logo which we can place on our website. Perhaps more significantly Tuff Fitty are now elevated as the standard bearer as we represent the whole of the South East Region as their nomination for Club of the Year nationally later this year.

Club of the year recognises the great work of our Coaches/Committee, but it is first and foremost an award for YOU – all our lovely Tuff Fitty members. The committee will discuss how best we can celebrate our achievement. Clearly the spectre of Covid remains, but if at all possible it would be lovely to be able to celebrate, thanking each and everyone of you for making Tuff Fitty the club it is today.
There were other worthy recipients of awards as follows: –
Junior coach of the year :- Kevin Draper
Technical Official of the year :- Clare Donovan
Large Event of the Year :- 255 Tribourne – an exceptional result as it was 255’s first year – a race many Tuffs participated in
Small Event of the year :- Sussex Family Tri
Outstanding Contribution Award:- Mick Dicker of Raw Energy, setting up Southwater Relays, & his exceptionally high standards delivering his Raw Energy Events. Particularly pleasing as our local event organiser whom we work with so closely