Weekend Round Up 30th 31st July
Whilst the holiday season is now underway, still some Top Tuff action as follows.
Launched last year, the 255 Triathlon earnt the title of South East Region event of the year. Then we had one undertaking the full 255 – longest distance tri and relay teams covering the distance. Back for 2022 It was renamed the 255 Festival of Endurance as a 70.3 Middle distance Tri was included. The swim took place at Westhampnett Lake with the course including the cycle up to, and around the Goodwood motor racing circuit. Tuffs entered two formats as follows:-

The middle distance competitors included James Mapley & Clive Patterson-Lett. Having completed the 1.2m swim where everyone agreed the swim conditions were good, James was second out of the water overall and Clive 1st in his category and 6th overall – impressive times from them both. From there it was a case of “keep count”, as the 90km bike required 23 laps to notch up the distance. Again James was flying, attaining the second quickest bike split overall with Clive maintaining the pace, despite having been pushed off the road at a recent event and still carried the bruises to prove it. As many will testify there is no hiding place on the exposed circuit and to complete, the small matter of five full laps running around the circuit. Both clearly gave it their all as James finished in 4th position overall and first in his age group in a time of just 4 hours 29 minutes- very impressive. Equally strong, CPL finished second in his age group, just going over the 5 hour mark. Well done to both – excellent results.

The ‘ 255’ in the title comprises a 5k swim, 200km on the bike and 50km of running. The relay category could be undertaken as a team of two, three or four members. This year we just had the one team, down from four last year. Tiff’s Tuff Trio comprised Tiff Orton, Jon Roper & Andy Ward and they had to complete the four lap swim, 52 laps of the bike and 13 laps of the run between them. Whilst it was a lot of laps to swim bike and run, it does make this a spectator friendly event. Well done to Claire Moyle who was on the Technical Official Team and fellow Tuffs in a support capacity – Debbie Boxall, Mark Rice, Nicole Patterson-Lett & Clive Harvey. Andy reports as follows:-
As a “veteran” of the triathlon scene one would think that regardless of time you would know what to do right? It’s like…. Riding a bike!!?
So, after a 4 year break from completing a triathlon and having been involved in some fairly crap races I jumped at the opportunity to join my old muckers Tiff and Jon for the 255 at Goodwood.
I had lost my MOJO and needed to find it!
Pressure has always been my downfall and as I’ve got older my ability to achieve what I perceive as a good race has always hindered me so this as Jon put so well was “about having a good time and not getting a good time”.
Pre race
A beautiful setting with the four of us (my wife Amanda joined us) the night before the race sitting by our Motorhomes overlooking the race circuit eating our pasta…. idyllic.
And then to bed…..
Oh I remember this…… a sleepless pre-race night so glad I’d had a good night’s sleep the night before….
Wake up before the 04:30 alarm and then making sure I had everything before cycling to the swim start. Tiff and Jon making everything very relaxed and explaining the day which was very comforting.
Tiff led off with a 1 lap swim of 1,250 and then my turn…..
Wait I remember this too…… swimming in a wetsuit… my favourite, and it felt so easy…. Maybe due to the lack of pressure to have to “race” I could actually enjoy it and get into my stroke rhythm of 1,2,3,sight. (MOJO ignition light on)
Aussie exit…. Never done that before…. Jon and Tiff cheering … back in, dive and off again…. Still feeling good…. Wow!
2 laps done, there’s Jon…. hand over timing chip (or did Jon have to do that?) hug Tiff and smiling!! (MOJO at idling speed)
Back to transition area to watch Tiff head off for her laps on the track and then it’s back to the Motorhome to relax, eat and shout our encouragement to Tiff.
Big shouts every time she comes past the stadium… looking very fast!!
Then Jon and he’s riding fast too……. But wait Wardy.. there’s NO PRESSURE… remember what Jon and Tiff have said… this is about the GOOD TIMES!!!
Jon has 2 laps to go so off I go to get ready…. Rack my bike….. wait… race belt!! amateur, amateur!! No worries Tiff has it covered.
Lap 1…. I’m flying round….. but then realise that I have no hope of keeping this pace up…. It’s windy in places and I admire the TT handling of James and CPL who were out racing the 70.3.
Counting laps and enjoying myself (MOJO at 50%)
We’ve discussed the run and initially we are thinking Tiff (our run expert) knocks out her 5 laps and then Jon and I do 2 laps each x 2.
But my MOJO is back and I’m thinking …. How hard could 4 laps all together be….?
I mean I’ve only done 10k in training but I’m FEELING GOOD!!!
Jon did 2 laps and then somebody switched on a bloody great hairdryer for my 4…… it was emotional BUT once again in the back of my mind were the words of my teammates…. It doesn’t matter… it isn’t going to be pretty but IT DOESN’T MATTER!!!
Jon back out for 2 laps and we join him to cross the line together…… a very long day (it’s now 8pm) but I can honestly say that although I am absolutely wasted (partly due to not enough training) I have had an absolute blast…… and all due to my fantastic teammates and my gorgeous wife who probably went through every emotion possible on the day and leading up to it!
MOJO locked and loaded……. onwards and upwards!
The photo gallery is below – click on the image to page through

Now in its 68th year the event is a 1.8 mile swim, starting at lunchtime adjacent to Sandown Pier and takes a straight course to Shanklin Bay to the site of the old Pier destroyed in the great storm of 1987. Anthony Towers is a regular competitor at the event and he has reported in from his day on the Isle of Wight.
“For the past several weeks going to the Wave, looking across the sea towards the Isle of Wight been getting apprehensive thinking about the prospect of the Pier to Pier sea swim. Starts at Sandown and finishes at Shanklin, about 1.8 miles. Always used to be only non-wet suit but recently has included a wet suit category also. Opted for non-wet suit in keeping with the tradition. A steady breeze from the south west was enough to chop the surface up making conditions challenging. Thinking you could settle in to a rhythm you suddenly get a buffet from a couple of badly spaced waves and get a face full of water. Assisted by the current, always tricky to know what the best line to take is. Instructed to sight on the lift tower, when it eventually came into closer range I was a bit far out. The current continued to take me a little further than the best line and felt as if I had to swim back a bit to get to the finish line on the beach. Water temperature was not too much of a shock although probably a couple of degrees cooler than on the Sussex coast. Goody bags this year – drawstring bag, mug and water. At the finish, hot soup and rolls. This year, Raw Energy were in charge of the results which were out in record time. Great day out with other swim buddies. Finished off with a cream tea at the café over the road from the finish at the rowing club.

Southampton Running Festival offered entrants the chance of a 5k, 10k or Half Marathon route and congratulations to Sophie Garbo on selecting the Half. She did well coming in the top half of the finishers both overall and females. Sophie reports:-
“This was my first half marathon race.
“I have completed the distance before with the Saturday Arundel guys and a trial run over Seven Sisters. Both of which were invaluable training as I’ve been running less than 2 years.”
“I’d spent the week tapering slightly and hadn’t felt well. I also had knee and Achilles issues. I decided to go ahead anyway and an Ultra runner friend joined me”.
“The race was 6 and a bit laps of Southampton common. There was a slight incline one side. It started well but at around 8k I was starting to tire. I was surprised by this. I had regular gels but don’t think I had enough water”.
“I really struggled for the last 2 laps and was almost sick”.
“This is the first time I’ve ever really had to ignore my brain telling me to stop. It was very hard”.
“I had to partly walk the last lap but came in at 2 hours and 6 mins which I’m quite pleased with considering”.

No Worthing parkrun for a second weekend but we still had
At Bognor parkrun Ed Lay notched up his 97th PR in 25:02, a notable time considering Ed had ridden over from Worthing and then rode home afterwards.
Littlehampton parkrun saw two LA regulars in the form of Alistair Evans on his 94th PR & he was also on the organising team. Jenny Oliver completed her 34th PR & Nick Hartfield was also on the organising team.
Another parkrun location where ‘Tuff woz’ ere’ occurred at Edenbrook Country parkrun. Held at Fleet in Hampshire well done to Colin Simpson on his 189th PR & Sue Simpson on her 152th.