Weekend Round Up 7th 8th January
The race calendar is still sparse currently but our own Tuff training sessions have got off to a fantastic start in 2023. Our track sessions in particular have seen excellent numbers, despite the weather. Our twice weekly pool sessions are also seeing exceptional demand, The very successful 2023 return of our club Zwift rides, road and trail runs all complete the Tuff programme to serve up all you need for ‘winter miles, summer smiles’.
With no (reported in) race action this week – our large band of parkrunners (deservedly so) get elevated to prime reporting. parkrun also links in with the announcement of the return of our STRUN for 2023, (above banner shot) and details below.

Littlehampton parkrun saw Gareth Coombes complete only his second parkrun but he crossed 5th overall in 20:57. Nathan Bilham was next for his 92nd PR. Then Olivia Morey ran well to finish as 6th female overall. Kevin Pearson completed his 32nd parkrun. Alistair Evans completed his 112th run,
At Worthing parkrun Steve Feest crossed the finish line as first club member. Les Pearce wasn’t far behind to notch up his 181st parkrun. Edward Lay finished his 11th and was on pacing duties this week. Nina Tully was next to complete our quartet running.
Bevendean Down parkrun is a grassland trail run in Brighton. Well done to Kate Evans picking off another parkrun course – 13 out of her 38th PR
Oak Hill parkrun is two and three quarters anti-clockwise around Oak Hill Park at Whetstone in North London. This was a new course for Colin Simpson to run round to make 66 different parkrun courses conquered. Of course Sue Simpson also ran completing her 172nd PR
Maidenhead parkrun saw Trevor Harvey run completing his 65th parkrun
Well done to all thirteen in some pretty wet (and muddy where applicable) conditions.

Friday 20th January is the Club’s next Meet The Captains social. Being held at The Fox Pub, Arundel Road, Patching BN13 3UJ in the Marquee down the side of the pub. The evening commences at 7pm and will prove a great opportunity for socialising. Men’s Captain Adrian Oliver plus our new Ladies captain for 2023 Verity Lacey will be present together with Nicole Patterson-Lett who has just concluded her two year term of office. Everyone is welcome, simply pop in for a drink or why not purchase some food.
The evening will prove to be a great forum for members to provide ideas to our captains for socials/training races/anything? you would like to see included within the Tuff calendar for 2023. This is particularly pertinent as you will read below as we have a requirement to elect a Club Triathlon championship race over the 70.3 distance. Some people have also been discussing the various options at our forthcoming Frosty Aquathlon on the 5th March – do you race?; help with the organisation? feel able to come and ask what tasks you would feel most comfortable with.

STRUN – (Summer Tuff Run Series)
After the hiatus caused by COVID, 2022 saw the welcome return of Tuff’s STRUN. STRUN stands for Summer Tuff Run Series. As a Tri club we have our club championship, but what about our run specialists? Well STRUN is for you. We have a selected portfolio of five events, local, to make inclusive. Everyone races together but to make even more inclusive, the scoring is based on the ‘WMA Road age-grading calculator’ This calculator take into account gender and age so this really does ‘level up’ everyone’s chances. This was proved last year as the racing was very competitive and very close with our top three only decided at the last venue.
Our nominated races will be 1) A Littlehampton parkrun. 2) Beat The Tide 10k. Supporting the Tuff directors at Sussex Trail Events. Date TBA depending on the tide but traditionally around the end of June. 3) Dawn on The Downs Organised by Raw Energy. 23rd July . Whilst two distances it is the 10k that will award points for STRUN. 4) A Worthing parkrun. 5) Arundel Park 10km. August Bank Holiday Sunday TBC 27th August. The parkrun dates will be finalised once more race dates have been confirmed to spread the race action.

Our club Triathlon Championships had largely been ratified as follows:-
Tuff’s Sprint Distance Club Championship race : Arundel Triathlon Sunday 21st May (There is also a Standard race but it is only the Sprint that will score)
Tuff’s Standard Distance Club Championship race: Brighton Triathlon Sunday 10th September
Tuff’s Middle Distance (70.3) Club Championship Race : ?
Unfortunately the preferred Middle Distance race selected – 255 Triathlon Festival at Goodwood, is no longer taking place because numbers entered so far are much lower than this time last year. We have some club members who are racing at the World Triathlon Series at Sunderland that weekend so we urgently need to find a replacement event. What better than to come along to the Meet the Captain’s event on Friday 20th in order that a new race can be finalised then.

From all the coaches and committee, we would like to thank everyone who has renewed their membership for 2023 – thank you, it is always appreciated and never taken for granted. Unfortunately there are still a few who have not renewed, and it would be disappointing to lose anyone as a Tuff.
With so much on over the festive period both timewise and economically, please feel able to contact Clive Harvey or Adrian Oliver if you have missed the deadline and we can help you validate membership for the coming year. Unfortunately as we are already into the second half of January, access to Spond will have to be curtailed shortly for those who have not made contact.