Tuff Fitty’s ‘Happiness’ Track Power Hour
The return of Tuff popular track Power Hour.
The return of Tuff Fitty’s Track Power Hour where teams of three runners, try to accrue as many laps as possible in one hour. Our organiser, Barry Davids, arranged this Wednesday night event to coincide with world Happiness Day. One of the aims of the day is to “Do What Makes You Happy ” so what better than to leave everything out on track whilst the other teams encourage you until the baton is passed to your teammate.
A gentle warm up loosened everyone up and then the teams were awarded their coloured baton before deciding on their running order. Barry’s team allocations would turn out to be remarkably accurate, because from the start of the stopwatch to the finish there would be little between all five teams.

Barry Davids (organiser, inspirational music provider and referee), together with lap counters, (left to right) Kate Cooper, Jenny Oliver, Ness Green & Clive Harvey
The teams were warned to remember they were running for an hour and therefore not overdo the first few laps; but with strong encouragement and music in their ears, that warning seemed to go out the window as the first lap started at a furious pace.

The Functional Balance team of Paul Martin, Gareth Coombes and Susan Douglas

Shoers of chickens team, Simon Thistlethwaite, Dom Amey & Kelly Johnson

Sumo Squatters Team – Malcolm Brown, Olivia Morey & Clare Worgan

Death Marchers – Spencer Scott, Mark Sole & Adrian Oliver

Dead Lifters team – Mark Walford, Josh Roper, & Juliette Reader
The Tuff track power hour record to beat was 40.90 laps and clearly regular track work is paying off because all the teams were not far off that record. Third place was secured by Malcolm, Olivia and Clare with 39 laps exactly. Second position saw Spencer, Mark S & Adrian go half a lap further with 39.5 laps. The victors and new reigning champions with a grand total of 41.75 laps are Mark W, Josh & Juliette.
Combining all the teams laps together the total distance achieved was just under 50 miles which would have seen a runner starting from Worthing Leisure centre almost reach Crystal Palace national sports stadium. We therefore have a new track record for Tuffs to beat at the next Track Power hour.
Special thanks go to Jon Roper for being our expert photographer, not an easy task in the dark where the subject matters were hurtling along. Spot prizes were awarded to Malcolm, Susan and Kelly. Kudos definitely goes to Kelly Johnson who turned up for her first ever track session going straight into a team. We are delighted to report that following swim training, Kelly is our newest member – welcome. The fulll photo album can be acccessed by clicking below:-
Track Power Hour now takes a breather because with British Summertime starting on Sunday 31st March (Happy Easter) Tuff Fitty are pleased to announce the return of our strength and conditioning sessions from Wednesday 3rd April. If anyone was wondering about some of the team names above, these relate to many of the drills participants encounter during a track/S&C night. However for the coming season more equipment is being brought to increase the variety and range of activities and we are very grateful to our brilliant team of coaches for driving these excellent sessions.
Want to come along? Our track sessions continue at 7pm at Worthing Leisure Centre for the bargain price of £2 (booked via Spond) but strength and conditioning is free of charge. S&C commences at 6:30pm and participants are welcome to come just for S & C, just for the track session, or, as most do, come along for both sessions which dovetail nicely together. Whilst it is hoped British Summertime will herald some dry, warmer weather, we do need to point out, that as a lot of the conditioning exercises are static, sessions may have to be postponed in the case of inclement weather.
Haven’t tried S&C/Track nights yet – do please feel able to come along – you will be glad you did.