Weekend Round Up 16th 17th November
As the colder weather hits, the number of races on the calendar has started to abate but we have three reports from some long standing fixtures

Clive & Glenn
Gosport Half Marathon is a long established half marathon which as part of the Hampshire Road Race League attracts a large field of 1,400 runners. It is a well organised race staged by Gosport Roadrunners who ensure all their members are on the course marshalling and encouraging.
Conditions were very fresh as runners assembled on the start line, including a Tuff duo Glenn Parisi and Clive Harvey who had acclimatised to the cold the previous morning at a parkrun loosener. It was their third time racing Gosport, albeit the last time was back in 2018. The course is two laps out on a gently undulating coast road before turning and heading back along the Prom. A recommended race complete with bling and well stocked goody bag. (Banner photo is the homeward leg along the promenade). Thanks to Trevor Harvey, who whilst scheduled to run, went down with a cold meaning he became chief cheerleader and photographer.

First staged back in 1984 this long established seafront run has more recently been staged by Run Base, the event management company who run the Worthing and Chichester 10K’s. This year saw a strong turnout with 2,432 finishers. In amongst these there were some strong performances from Tuffs. Cameron Coe did well to finish in just 38:41. Then Kate Cooper who has kindly provided her thoughts on the race and also well done to Nina Tully

Brighton 10km isn’t a race that I have done before, as I am not a big fan of November racing, but I thought I would do it this year as part of my pre-marathon training build up. My plans of doing 10km specific training came to nothing, but I jumped on the train to Hove on Sunday morning feeling happy that the conditions were good: dry, warm for November and not much wind.
‘ As I reached the race village, it was clear that there were a lot of very fast looking runners in very fast (and expensive) looking shoes! After an efficient bag drop, I warmed up and then found a spot at the start near the 50 minute pacers. It is a flat, fast (wind-permitting) out and back route, so a good one for practising pacing. The start felt less congested than usual: it felt like lots of people knew their probable time and started in the right place. I kept with the pacers for the first couple of km, but found it tricky to maintain an even pace as it was busy around them, so dropped back a bit and just concentrated on running my own race, which meant aiming for 5min/km. I felt strong at the turn and focused on picking people off over the last part of the race, which was an unusual (I am often tempted to go off too fast) but very pleasing experience’.
‘I dug deep to try to pass a couple of people at the finish and was very happy with my time of 50.06. If you fancy a fast, flat, local 10km at this time of year, then I recommend this race. The organisation was smooth and with a decent bit of bling and Oatopia bars at the finish, it was worth the effort!’

Completing our reports on three long established road runs, the Crowborough 10k has been staged for 30 years and as part of the Sussex Grand Prix series attracts a large number of entries including our very own Colin Simpson around the two lap course for the 10k. There is a more recent addition of a 5k run which saw Sue Simpson complete the one lap course. Thanks to Colin for reporting in:-
‘A nice weekend away in the garden of England with planned visits to various National Trust castles and gardens. Of course luckily there was a parkrun nearby at Ashford! Sue flew off in the icy temps whilst i waited with Diggy then he pulled me through the crowd to catch before the end of lap1. A lovely park, all on tarmac with just a small hill’.
‘Short trips to Bodiam and Scotney castles followed…both well worth visits’.
‘Up early on Sunday i suggested one of our old favourite runs which just happened to be on the way home. The Crowborough 10,5k a hilly down then even worse up 2 lapper with the added bonus of a river crossing. We used to love this run and when younger and fitter its a great challenge. Today was more of a sightseeing run watching the backs of various club runners disappearing from sight…i opted for the 10k and did manage to run the hill on lap1…Sue had a good run in the 5k not far off her parkrun time. A run worth trying (at least once!) But do some hill training…The weekend was completed with Diggy taking us for a walk (crawl) round Sheffield Park gardens then home for curry, wine and a 12hr snooze…

At Littlehampton parkrun our first runner across the line in 6th place overall was Nathan Cooper in just 18:55. Kevin Pearson was next in a strong time. Vicky Cooper was our next runner. Chris Evans was at it again claiming another PB, this time shaving 1 second off his previous best – this is Chris’s 9th PB since the end of June – great work. Chris Evans was also on the volunteer team as was Hope Newcomer – well done to all five. Also present was Paul Sinton-Hewitt the parkrun boss & founder.
Across at Worthing parkrun there was as strong run from Dave March as he sprinted into Beach House Park in an excellent 19:43. Steve Feest was next in a strong 75% age grading. Paul Howie was also running and our next runner was Ed Lay closing in on another milestone as he reached his 190th parkrun. Next home was Les Pearce on his 220th run. 25 seconds later Murray Hodge crossed the finish line. Phil Turner reached his 120th parkrun
Across at Lancing Green parkrun it was Steve Fryer’s first visit to this Lancing Green and promenade course out to Widewater, Steve targeted with his running club and finished in 20:54
Malling Rec parkrun has a course going around a recreation ground before heading up and back along an old railway cutting. This was the choice of Glenn Parisi, Clive Harvey & Trevor Harvey
Cranleigh parkrun is set in Knowle Park Country park, a recently restructured park where runners complete a two lap course. Susan Douglas was our representative completing her 8th run here.
Moving further afield, there was Tuff participation at Ashford parkrun in Kent. Sue & Colin Simpson ran around this course together taking in Victoria Park and together have amassed an impressive 515 parkruns.
Katie Young was back for Hereford parkrun running well to achieve a 76% age grade around Hereford racecourse.
Jubilee parkrun is a great one to get for those gathering the parkrun alphabet. Up in Spennymoor County Durham Paul Fielder took part running around Victoria Jubilee Park.
Wallaceneuk parkrun is staged on an old railway line with one short hill. Alistair Evans visited this parkrun gaining the furthest distance to bag a parkrun this week as the course is close to Kelso in Scotland.
A fantastic Tuft of TWENTY TWO Fitties flying the flag around the UK

Whilst there is more incentive to throw back the duvet when money has changed hands to enter a race, we saw many were not discouraged from the cold either at parkrun or our early morning run, where the above intrepid athletes were out for their Saturday fix of offroad trail running.

And to prove Tuffs definitely aren’t afraid of the cold, stop press….. above is a picture of Tuff Fitty’s Wednesday night track run at Worthing Leisure Centre where Tuffs braved the 2 degrees temperature. Why don’t you come and join in, knowing there will be other like minded individuals there could be just the motivation to join in – 7pm start out on track (worth bringing a drinks bottle for trackside and wear layered clothing for the warmup/main set and warm down).