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Tuff Fitty’s Resolution ‘Power Hour’ Swim

What better way to start 2025 than to have a packed Littlehampton Wave for the return of Tuff Fitty’s power hour swim, where our members formed up into teams to kick start their New Year fitness resolution.

Always popular, spaces were fully subscribed before the event, both for lane counters, officials and swimmers and a couple of late declines meant replacements were on hand – the banter on the Spond app, had elevated the competitive talk before the first team members even dived into the pool!

The format saw teams of five swimmers who each had to swim a 25m length before handing over to their next team mate with all swimmers continuing to rotate in order seeing how many lengths their team could accumulate. A lane counter was assigned to each lane ensuring fair play and this year the club had invested in lap counter boards. This meant teams could see the live totals as to where the respective teams stood, further ramping up the competitiveness.

Kev & Verity keeping teams three and four in order!

With big thanks to Barry Davids for his work in organising the eight teams, it was pleasing that nine of our coaches elected to swim meaning they had to practice what they preached! Diving was permitted from the deep end and our coaches had incorporated some diving practise into regular training ahead of the event. Three….Two.. One… Go and eight swimmers dived in; So started the fast and furious activity. Despite the need to pace throughout the session, this appeared to go straight out the window, as the teams pushed each other on.

As well as our lane counters, Dan G, Sheila, Verity, Kev, Colin, Graham, Chris and Angela; Clive H kept teams informed of the time left and an interesting twist involved Tiff Orton deployed as ‘talent scout’. Tiff’s role was to select random recipients for spot prizes.

So how did the teams do? As well as some interesting dive techniques, there was a record to beat. The Resolution Power Hour at the beginning of 2024 saw the winners take the crown then with 158 lengths.

The public display of the scores helped to drive the swimmers on, but one team in particular had slipped a bit and decided to ‘go large’ on the fun and technique aspects instead. We are grateful to Team eight’s lane counter Angela who recorded some of the more unusual styles adopted as you will see below:-

With the lengths ratified, well done to Team 8 (above) of Adrian, Christine, Dom C, Helen & Paula in 8th place. Seventh went to Andy T, Elaine, Isis, Sue & Susan. Sixth place was Cameron, Paul H, Sam, Simon & Vicki, Fifth went to Abi, Amy, Carey, Kate C and Wendy, girl power at its best, just short of 4th teams total. Fourth comprised Barry, Karl, Kate E, Les & Mark. It was a sterling effort from them as they were just one length behind third place which was awarded to Adam, Jenny, Katie, Katie & Ness who each gained a medal and some chocs to share. Second place; congratulations to Alex, Chris B, Claire, Emma & Jakki who also received a medal and chocs. This meant we have new Power Hour champions with a Tuff record of 173 lengths. Our first placed team comprised Anthony, Clare, Hazel, Liane & Nathan. It was great to see Clare Worgan support the event but had to nip off so missed the champions photo below

Nathan, Anthony, Liane & Hazel with our prize presenters Tiff (accepting Clare’s medal) & Baz in their Tuff tops.

Further recognition was awarded by Tiff for ‘notable’ stand outs during the evening. Paul Howie gained ‘most spectacular dive’ Andy Tester ‘Snazziest costume- male’. Carey Woods ‘Most coordinated hat and costume – female’ Les Pearce ‘Swimming in Tuff kit’. Claire Moyle ‘Effort in diving’ Amy Kidd ”Length of butterfly’ Chris Buchanan ‘Quickest length and underwater length’ Helen Bull ‘length swum with kick board’ Adrian Oliver ‘ balancing a water bottle on his head’ Dominic Chapman ‘Double floats!’ and to acknowledge all our glamourous lane stewards – Dan Green for ‘best lane counter’

With everyone changed it transpired there was only four lengths separating 4th, 3rd and second placed teams showing how tight the competition had been. The swimmers amassed a grand total of 1,274 lengths. That is just a smidgen short of 20 miles distance which jumping in the sea from The Wave would take us to Brighton Marina.

The photo gallery is attached from Clive, with Angela’s lane pic’s added in.

The feedback as before, shows just how popular the event is bringing the camaraderie, fun and banter to the fore – Congratulations to all; what a great start to 2025
