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Weekend Round Up 28th 29th September

Many club members will be aware of the Cross Country league which starts shortly on the 12th October, but a pre-cursor to the season is a relay team event around the Goodwood Course at the top of the Downs by the racecourse. The men were required to gather a team of four, each having to run 4,000m before tagging their team mate.

Well done to Gareth Coombes who took the first leg, then it was over to Alex Webb who tagged James Togneri with Simon Thistlethwaite taking the ‘glory’ last run. Whilst results are not yet to hand our quartet did well against a very competitive field as the event doubled up as the Sussex County Championships.

Kudos goes to Kate Cooper, Simon Grundy and Steve Feest who were also running, each of them for their respective running club teams. Particular thanks go to Vicki Hedger who snapped the pictures below. Entries are open for the league race on the 12th October – see the Spond event for details.

Simon, Gareth, Alex & James

The annual Hever Castle weekend that (normally) is packed full of Triathlons, Duathlons, Runs and Swims. Unfortunately with the lake failing water quality tests at the beginning of the week, all the swim segments were cancelled. Whilst this depleted attendance, we had three participants, Verity Lacey who undertook the Sprint Plus. Same Mahe also raced the Sprint Plus but having had to endure one muddy run and then the bike, Sam decided not to proceed with the second run. Stephen O’Donnell raced the Sprint Duathlon. First up is Verity & then Stephen’s reports:

‘I initially signed up to Hever Castle just because Simon had entered the duathlon and thought it would give me something to do. For some crazy reason I thought the sprint plus was a good idea. The original format was an 800m swim, 40k ride, 8k run.

‘The swim was cancelled a few days before which initially I was pretty happy about as I hadn’t swam for almost two months due to a shoulder injury (seriously need to stop getting old). However, on the day, I’m not sure I was quite so happy!’

‘We arrived at the field to park and it was basically a swamp. By the time we had walked to transition it looked like we had completed a cyclocross event. Time was tight due to the delay parking and walking across, so I slung my stuff in transition and was very quickly frogmarched to the start line’.

‘Trail shoes were a must, the run course was definitely a trail route with plenty of mud and water. 8k also became 9.3k by the time I was back in transition’.

‘There was definitely no point in having your shoes on the bike ready to jump on and go, the run to bike mount was really wet and muddy and the first 200m of the bike was gravel. A lot of people couldn’t clip in because there cleats were now covered in mud!’

‘The bike course wasn’t too bad, reasonably hilly but the road surfaces I thought were really good. Having come in off the first run almost last, I managed to pick up lots of places on the bike. Fortunately a lot of people seemed to blow themselves up on the first run which played to my advantage!

‘Back into transition and my feet were not loving the idea of another run (it’s that getting old and nursing injury excuse again). Only one lap though this time which by now was even muddier and wetter than earlier that morning’.

‘All in all, it was a fairly fun day out. I literally took no photos other than one of the muddy field and saw almost no other Tuffs other than newbie Sam Mahe at the start line!

Stephen O’Donnell (2nd from left)

‘A very strange event really poor logistics. Started bad as we all had to park in fields and cars were getting stuck trying to park. Longish walk to registration from the parking area in 3C temp at 7am through long wet grass and mud. The event Village was well organised with food, massages tables and chairs to sit down.

‘I only planned to do the sprint Duathlon but all the Triathlon swim legs got cancelled which given the temp would have been terrible coming out of a swim and jumping on the bike. There was a mass start to the Sprint duathlon at 0930 which due to the size of the field was split into a men’s start and then a women’s start a couple of minutes later. We had a quick race briefing then off on 2 laps for the first run. Course was mainly off road undulating. Wasn’t a bad course but had become so muddy that it made running very difficult. I got misdirected on the run route by the marshals as they were also running a standard event on the same route. That wasted 1 min on my first loop. I got back on track and pulled back a few places. Running up a slippy grass and mud slope to transition it was about all I could do to gain and traction.

‘Into transition off with muddy shoes, stripped off a layer of clothes and then a run in cleats over a muddy field then over a gravel path to the mount line. Cycle was down a lane called shite lane; enough said. Down a driveway over speed bumps and out onto open narrow roads. Non drafting hilly course so was happy not to be using a TT bike. Course was poor surface in places The worst bit was that roads were narrow so cars couldn’t overtake slower cyclists so we all caught people up and spent quite a bit of the ride trying to overtake tractors vans and cars. Silly route’.

‘Back to transition and a different set of running shoes as the first pair were so muddy then out for another 2 5km lap in 11:53. Despite really slow runs I came second In my age group only to find out that they only had a 60 plus category not 60 to 64 and 65 to 69 for qualification. So technically I won my 60 to 64 age group lol but certainly qualified for Poland next April’ (Above picture is of four out of the top five in the 60-69 age group)

We are delighted to report that for the third consecutive week we have a club member completing an Ironman 70.3. After Weymouth and Italy, this week it was the turn of Mark Dinsdale who competed. With the swim off Jones Beach in Zach’s bay, the 56 miles bike was two laps along Wantagh Parkway – a closed road six lane highway! The run was back to the beach along the boardwalk.

Mark reports:- ‘I will do a brief write up when back in UK in a few weeks but, did the New York 70.3 with my daughter last weekend. Turn the sound up in the click below and listen to the announcer – Tuff Fitty get a mention 🙂 Weather was brutal – choppy swim, high winds and rained all day.

Clare & Stu

Barns Green Half Marathon has a long history of staging a quality event, with the first event staged back in 1982. Their race motto is ‘He who endures Conquers’ and we had two great results in the Half with Stuart Harvey & Clare Worgan. More recent distances on the morning are the 10k & 5k races and in the 5k we had Kate Evans running well after her triathlon last weekend.

Stuart had a strong race finishing in 1:39 and Clare also had a cracking race crossing the line in 1:53. two great times considering the course is not flat with almost 600 ft of climbing

We are now into the half marathon season as another one completed this week was the Forest of Dean Half Marathon. The race is run as a charity event within the Forest and whilst it states the route is along forest trails course with no road crossings, it does go on to say the course has some ‘interesting hill challenges’ and offers a chance to experience the Forest with its late-summer leaf canopy. Our runner at this event was Jay McCardle who ran very well as this run was sandwiched between The Sufferings and Downslink Ultra which Jay stages with Danny Cunnett under the Sussex Trail Events banner – well done Jay.

Whilst back into the swing of training in the UK for their next adventure in Croatia, we have received a report from when Mike Barrett & Iris Bennett from when they were recently on holiday in the States. You cant keep two great Tuffs down; so what do you do on holiday?…. enter a Triathlon as Mike takes up the tale:-

When in Rome, eat Pizza, when on vacation in Florida during their hot summer, enter a sprint Triathlon on borrowed bikes!

Yep! While on vacation in Florida during their hot and humid season, I entered myself and Iris into a sprint Triathlon, it was a short 400m lake swim, no wetsuit as the water exceeded 24 degrees, followed by a full gas, don’t let up 8 mile round the lake bike course and short, fast, out and back 5k run.

It was made super fun by the fact that Iris borrowed my sister’s bike, and I borrowed a trusty steed from one of my sisters’ friends, a steel framed Greg Lemond beauty. We were up early to get to transition, pitch black, didn’t think about a head torch! The sun soon arrived however, even at 5:30am it is warm and sticky.

With us checked in and racked we were off to the start line where we could have a quick swim to… “warm up”… a bit like swimming in bath water… Now, whilst I was splash about in my nonchalant carefree manner, unbeknown to me Iris is getting the wobbles… she’s managed to convince herself we’re swimming with alligators. As we stand ready to start, despite me trying to reason with her that this event wouldn’t go ahead if there were alligators, Iris decided to ask a local if there were alligators in the lake and… [dramatic pause] yes there were!

I was off and had to leave Iris with her thoughts, no I didn’t run off off! My wave was starting! it was rolling start and couldn’t have been more casual if tried. Swim complete, and intro transition (defo got to practice more jump starts). Now for the real fun, with weight and limited gears it was all in on the bike, full gas and massively enjoyable, especially passing the Americans on the expensive TT aero bikes and wheels… I was grinning as I passed ( a lot of very serious riders). I flew into transition and hit the run, after about a km I got a little calf niggle which impeded the rest of the run but, I’m happy to have placed 21st overall (200+) and 3rd in my age group.

Iris, also did very well, she made it out of the water (with no alligator attacks who’d believe it) we high five on the out and back run leg, she enjoyed the swim after all, she did mention that ride a bit uncomfortable and her run was hot hot hot … finishing 2nd in her age group and 58th overall… Now we know the course and conditions it is tempting to come back next year LOL. But it was bloody hot!


It was an action packed day at the K2 in Crawley for the regional short course championships where five British records were set. In amongst the competitors was Amy Kidd who swam well as she reports:-

‘On Saturday 28th September I travelled to the K2 in Crawley for the annual short course (pool length 25 metres) championships. 

I entered the 400metre freestyle and 100m backstroke with an aim to set a baseline for the next year. 

First up was the 400m freestyle. I entered an estimated time of 5minutes 30 seconds. The first 100m was swum in 73seconds, eventually finishing in 5:14

In the 100backstroke I entered a time far too slow and ended up in a heat with ladies double my age! Nevertheless, I pushed hard from the start and finished in 1 minute and 16seconds. I came away with two silver medals and a very sore body. A successful morning in the pool’.

As most will be aware, for multisport events to receive backing, British Triathlon sends volunteers to ensure such races are soundly run under safe conditions. We are delighted to report that Sheila Bailey has just received notification that she is now a fully qualified Local Technical Official. The pathway to this award required much on-line learning, attendance at a weekend course and shadowing other Technical Officials at four different events. These shadow events covered large events, open water & also children’s events.

It is pleasing that Tuff Fitty now have Claire Moyle as well as Sheila as Local Technical Officials, Barry Davids as a Motorcycle Technical Official and Clive Harvey as a Regional Technical Official. Congratulations Sheila on your qualification. If anyone is interested in finding out more about officiating, please ask one of the aforementioned.

At Littlehampton parkrun Nathan Cooper crossed the line 1st overall in just 18:42 – excellent work. Bob Rogers, safely home from his triumph in France was our next runner. Alistair Evans crossed for his 195th parkrun. Chris Evans achieved another PB, his fourth consecutive PB in as many weeks. He has now shaved off 1 minute 39 seconds in these four weeks. huge kudos to the volunteer who enable parkrun to function every week. This week’s LA volunteers were, Debbie Birch, Alistair Evans, Chris Evans & Hope Newcomer.

Across at Worthing parkrun Dave March was in action finishing in a strong 20:40. Paul Howie was our next runner. Next home was Paul Fielder as he claimed another PB shaving 6 seconds off his previous best two weeks ago. Edward Lay was our next runner on his 183rd parkrun.

At Maidenhead parkrun Trevor Harvey picked up double credits as he undertook first timer briefing and then ran the course

KIllerton parkrun was the venue of choice for Steve Fryer as he completed his twelfth run at this venue in National Trust grounds close to Exeter. It was a successful visit as Steve ran across the line as 6th overall and in the top ten for age grading in a time of 21:04

The furthest parkrun tourism was undertaken by Claire Moyle at Alness parkrun near Invergordon on the Cromarty Firth in Scotland. This parkrun was run by Claire whilst continuing her support crew role for the team of cyclists including Jenny Oliver as they near the complete of their epic LeJog cycle sportive.

Well done to all fourteen

Congratulations to Jenny Oliver who has just arrived home following her teams successful cycle from Lands End to John O’Groats. Also very deserving of praise is Claire Moyle who acted as the team’s support rider, undertaking her own multisport activities along the route. We may get some of their highlights reported once they have recovered.

Have you signed up for Tuff Fitty’s Cycle Hill climb this coming Sunday? Do make sure you register on Spond as the closing date is looming – this is to ensure everyone gets their breakfast buns, once they have completed their two timed runs – Full details on Spond

A further mention about the social on Friday 18th October. Meeting in The Fox Pub at Patching at 6:30pm, the restaurant will be open for those wishing to eat but then at 7:30pm we move into the marquee for our Annual General Meeting. We do require new assistance on the committee so if you are able to help please speak to one of the committee beforehand. If you are not interested in helping, please still come along and hear about how our club has performed over the last twelve months. Following the formal part of the evening many may wish to return to the bar, As the date is close to two weeks away, please ensure that any agenda items you wish to raise are submitted to our club secretary here