
- Title & Colours
That the club shall be called “Tuff Fitty Triathlon Club” & the club colours shall be predominantly blue with a mix of white and black carrying the Tuff Fitty brand and logo. - Object & affiliation
The object of the club is the promotion of Triathlon generally, including swimming, cycling & running. The club shall be affiliated to British Triathlon Federation, Road Time Trials Council, UK Athletics Association, through England Athletics and other such bodies as the general meeting shall decide. The club shall be conducted under the rules and laws of British Triathlon and all competing members shall be eligible competitors as defined in the BTF laws. - Headquarters
The Swimming Pool used as headquarters shall be Littlehampton centre on Sea Road, Littlehampton. - Management
The club shall be managed by a committee composed by the Chairman, Hon., Secretary, Hon., Treasurer, Club Captain(s), Social Secretary & Committee member, all to be elected annually at the A.G.M. The Committee shall meet at such times as it may be deemed necessary. The quorum at meetings shall be three. Sub-Committees may be appointed to deal with special matters which shall be reported in full to the Committee at each meeting thereof. - Membership
Membership of the club is confined to those who adhere to the Rules & laws of British Triathlon Federation and other bodies to which the Club affiliates. A candidate for membership must apply in writing on a form provided for the purpose and be proposed by one member and seconded by another member. The annual subscription shall be determined at each A.G.M and runs from the beginning of November for a twelve-month period. Any member joining in the last three months of that 12-month period may, at the committee’s discretion, have that membership run through to end of the next 12-month period. Any member whose subscription remains unpaid by the first of January shall not be entitled to compete in any club competitions or to represent the club. Only members with a paid-up subscription for the current year may vote at the A.G.M - Resignation
A member intending to withdraw from the club shall give the club notice in writing to the Hon., Secretary and his/her membership terminates on the date of that notice unless he/she is financially indebted to the club, in which case the committee may withhold acceptance of the resignation until he/she has discharged his/her liability. A member having not tendered his/her subscription within two months of the final renewal date will be deemed no longer a member of the club, having received written notice (14 days) from the Hon., Secretary. The Committee may, if in their opinion the interest of the club so requires, invite any member, by registered post, stating briefly the matter complained of, to resign his/her membership within a stated period. In the event of such member failing to reply or declining to resign within the stated period, the Committee shall call a special meeting (of the Committee), shall give such one weeks’ notice thereof, and shall give him/her the opportunity to be heard in his/her defence. At the meeting, should three of the Committee members present vote in favour of the members expulsion, he/she shall cease to be a member of the club, subject always to the relative British Triathlon Federation appeal rules and laws. - The Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the month of October in every year to receive the Committee’s report and Financial Statement, elect officers and Committee, and deal with any other matter on the agenda. The Hon., Secretary must give every member 14 days’ notice of the meeting and any business, which is desired to place on the Agenda must be given in writing to the Hon., Secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting. The quorum at the General Meeting shall be seven and voting confined to senior members only. - The Special General Meeting
A Special Annual General Meeting must be called by the Hon., Secretary within 14 days of receipt by him/her of a requisition in writing signed by no less than 40% of the then club membership, stating the business to be brought before such a meeting - Funds & Property
Funds and Property of the club shall not be distributed among members but shall be applied towards the furtherance of the Club’s objectives or for charitable purposes. In the event of dissolution, the funds remaining shall be devoted to objects similar to those of the Club. - Rules & Regulations
Any additions or alterations to rules shall only be made to the Hon., Secretary and any propositions for any such alterations or deletions shall be submitted in writing to the Hon., Secretary at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. The Committee shall have powers to make regulations and bye-laws in accordance with these rules, and to settle disputed points not otherwise provided by these rules.
Constitution: First issued 1995, Updated 1999, Updated 2018