Our club pays to affiliate to various agencies to help in the operation of Tuff Fitty which also unlocks some benefits as follows:

This is our major partner who we affiliate with. As a multisport club we operate under British Triathlon governance and pay annually a fee to gain public liability and backing.
This core fee does not cover individual members. Those who wish to enrol gain individual public liability insurance, personal accident cover and a race licence amongst other things. The range of benefits are shown here.
There are a range of packages but if we look at the Core package this currently costs £66 pa. However if you are a member of an affiliated club, such as Tuff Fitty, that immediately reduces to £55 so already as a club member you save £11 per annum, recouping a large part of your club annual subscription.
If competitors are not a member of British Triathlon Federation (BTF) then they are asked to purchase a Race Pass for events to gain some of the protection above. The Race Pass for 2024 costs £8, so if you intend to race several multisport events a year the economic case for joining is strong.

There are three tiers to our affiliations for running. Tuff Fitty is affiliated with England Athletics, which in turn brings us under the UK Athletics banner, but as with the BTF, this does not cover individual club members.
If you wish to affiliate, their year runs from 1st April for 12 months. You can register at any point during the year, although it makes sense to affiliate at the beginning of this 12-month period.
The cost from 1st April 2024 is £19.
Once signed up, you get a Unique Runner Number. This enables members to claim discounts when selecting ‘affiliated’ on many race entry forms of £2 (although not Fun Run League Races). So there is an economic case for joining if you plan to enter various road races throughout the year. The full range of benefits is shown here.
Provided we get a minimum number of members affiliated, Tuff Fitty is normally eligible for one guaranteed London Marathon place each year, where a ballot is operated for those affiliated who wish to be put forward.
Finally, as we are affiliated with UK Athletics, this enables us to align with Sussex County Athletics for a further fee. This is paid by Tuff Fitty, and there is no requirement from members to act on this one. The major benefit of this affiliation is that it makes Tuff Fitty an eligible club to participate in the Sussex Cross Country league each year.

This is a straightforward affiliation to explain because the central fee that your club pays covers all of our members. This can be succinctly explained as the CTT membership allows any TF member to ride any TT subject to the entry requirements. There’s no need for personal affiliation, as Tuff Fitty’s blanket membership provides insurance when participating in such events.
There are some great rides around, including mid-week ones. Riders do need to be aware that cycle tops, covering the shoulders are required (not running vests) and that a rear light is mandatory (regardless of time of day).