Tuff Fitty Event Calendars

Use the “Print” button below each calendar to print just that calendar.

“Club Focused Events” are events that we as a club want to encourage our members to participate in. For example, Club Championship events, supporting our club’s nominated charity or other great local events.

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

Club Focused All Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2025-05-18REP Arundel Lido Triathlon
2025-05-23Tuff Fitty’s Lido race and BBQ
2025-06-15Royal Windsor Triathlon
2025-06-27REP Cowdray Estate Summer Trail Run (+BBQ?)
2025-07-04Tuff’s Arundel Lido Aquathlon & BBQ
2025-08-03Big Cow Sport’s Cowman/Calfman Triathlon & Aquabike
2026-03-01Tuff Fitty Frosty Aquathlon 2026 30th Anniversary

Club Focused Multisport Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2025-05-18REP Arundel Lido Triathlon
2025-05-23Tuff Fitty’s Lido race and BBQ
2025-06-15Royal Windsor Triathlon
2025-07-04Tuff’s Arundel Lido Aquathlon & BBQ
2025-08-03Big Cow Sport’s Cowman/Calfman Triathlon & Aquabike
2026-03-01Tuff Fitty Frosty Aquathlon 2026 30th Anniversary

Club Focused Swim Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.


Club Focused Bike Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.


Club Focused Run Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2025-06-27REP Cowdray Estate Summer Trail Run (+BBQ?)

All Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2025-03-28/30Swimathon weekend
2025-03-30Portsmouth Duathlon
2025-04-05Chichester Sportive 100
2025-04-05Glorious Gravel Dorset X
2025-04-05REP Cowdray Estate Spring Trail Run
2025-04-06Brighton Marathon & 10k
2025-04-12South Downs Gravel X
2025-04-12New Forest Classic (Saturday)
2025-04-13REP Grand National 10k Trail Run
2025-04-13Paris Marathon
2025-04-13New Forest Classic (Sunday)
2025-04-16Worthing Rowing Club – Splash Point 5k
2025-04-19Salisbury PLain Epic Glorious Gravel
2025-04-20Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-04-27London Marathon
2025-04-27Manchester Marathon
2025-04-27Greater Haywards Heath Bike Ride
2025-04-27Woking Spring Triathlon
2025-04-27REP Angmering Bluebell Trail Run
2025-054-04Isle of Wight Cycling Randonnee
2025-05-04Worthing RunFest 10k/Half Marathon
2025-05-043 Forts Marathon
2025-05-05Winchester Triathlon
2025-05-05Tonbridge Triathlon
2025-05-10Surrey Hills Classic – Cranleigh
2025-05-11East Grinstead Triathlon
2025-05-11Horsham 10K
2025-05-18Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-05-18Bognor Prom 10km
2025-05-187 Oaks Triathlon
2025-05-18REP Arundel Lido Triathlon
2025-05-18Banbury Triathlon
2025-05-23Tuff Fitty’s Lido race and BBQ
2025-05-28Littlehampton Beach Run
2025-06-01Cotswold 113
2025-06-07/08Blenheim Triathlon weekend
2025-06-08Worthing 10k
2025-06-08Tribourne Eastbourne Standard Triathlon
2025-06-08Eastbourne Super-Sprint/Sprint/Standard Triathlon
2025-06-08Brighton Ten
2025-06-08Run Wisborough 5km/10km
2025-06-13Phoenix Aquathlon Guildford 1
2025-06-14Silly Moo 7 with Run Brighton
2025-06-15Royal Windsor Triathlon
2025-06-15Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-06-15Chichester Triathlon – everyone active
2025-06-15Mid Sussex Triathlon
2025-06-20Lightlink – sister race to Darklink
2025-06-21Race to the King Ultra
2025-06-21REP Arun River 3.8km Swim
2025-06-27Mark Walford 24 Triathlons in 24 Hours
2025-06-27REP Cowdray Estate Summer Trail Run (+BBQ?)
2025-06-28Heritage Trail Events – Sparkling Run – Leonardslee
2025-06-28Surrey Gravel Epic
2025-06-29REP Romero Run 2km/5km/10km Run Date
2025-06-29Thorpe Park Sprint Tri (inc theme park entry)
2025-06-29Heritage Trail – Leonardslee Summer Run
2025-06-29Swanage Triathlon Festival
2025-07-04Tuff’s Arundel Lido Aquathlon & BBQ
2025-07-05BHF Bournemouth Pier to Pier Swim
2025-07-05Canary Whard Swim 1 or 2 miles
2025-07-06The Swashbuckler Bucklers Hard (Middle/STd)
2025-07-11Brighton 5:30 5K
2025-07-11Phoenix Aquathlon Guildford 2
2025-07-12Arctic One Tri and Paratri Festival 2025
2025-07/11 to 13Outdoor swimmer Henley Swim Festival
2025-07-13Cotswold Classic V2
2025-07-19Fortitude Castle to Coast Triathlon
2025-07-20Tribourne Middle Distance Triathlon
2025-07-26Club to Pub – Henley 1.5k swim
2025-07-26/27Outlaw Triathlon Weekend
2025-07-27Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-07-27Ironman Leeds
2025-08-02Phoenix Aquathlon Guildford 3
2025-08-03Big Cow Sport’s Cowman/Calfman Triathlon & Aquabike
2025-08-06WSFL Worthing Striders Highdown Hike Race
2025-08-08Phoenix Aquathlon Gulidford 3
2025-08-10Thames Marathon Swim
2025-08-16Sussex Trail Events – Beer Mile (provisional date)
2025-08-24Arundel 10k (Hiorne Tower)
2025-08-31Littlehampton 10k
2025-08-31Brighton and Hove Triathlon
2025-08-31Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-09-07The Sufferings
2025-09-07Southwater Relays
2025-09-07Daventry Triathlon
2025-09-14Bournemouth International (European Sprint Qualifier)
2025-09-14Ironman 70.3 Weymouth
2025-09-20Swim Serpentine
2025-09-20BHF London to Brighton Off Road
2025-09-21Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-09-21Swim Long – Dorney Lake – Eton
2025-09-26/27Hever Castle Triathlon Festival
2025-09-27North Downs Gravel X
2025-10-05Chichester Half / 10m & 6m
2025-10-05Hastings Half Marathon (Rescheduled)
2025-10-12Southend Pier Marathon
2025-10-19A J Bell Great South Run
2025-10-19Hove Prom 10k
2025-10-25Kent Classic Sportive
2025-11-08South Downs Trail Run
2025-11-09Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-11-16Brighton 10k
2025-11-29Witterings Beach Run
2025-12-06Sussex Downs Trail Run (22km/12km/9km)
2025-12-14Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2026-03-01Tuff Fitty Frosty Aquathlon 2026 30th Anniversary

All Multisport Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2025-03-30Portsmouth Duathlon
2025-04-27Woking Spring Triathlon
2025-05-05Winchester Triathlon
2025-05-05Tonbridge Triathlon
2025-05-11East Grinstead Triathlon
2025-05-187 Oaks Triathlon
2025-05-18REP Arundel Lido Triathlon
2025-05-18Banbury Triathlon
2025-05-23Tuff Fitty’s Lido race and BBQ
2025-06-01Cotswold 113
2025-06-07/08Blenheim Triathlon weekend
2025-06-08Tribourne Eastbourne Standard Triathlon
2025-06-08Eastbourne Super-Sprint/Sprint/Standard Triathlon
2025-06-13Phoenix Aquathlon Guildford 1
2025-06-15Royal Windsor Triathlon
2025-06-15Chichester Triathlon – everyone active
2025-06-15Mid Sussex Triathlon
2025-06-27Mark Walford 24 Triathlons in 24 Hours
2025-06-29Thorpe Park Sprint Tri (inc theme park entry)
2025-06-29Swanage Triathlon Festival
2025-07-04Tuff’s Arundel Lido Aquathlon & BBQ
2025-07-06The Swashbuckler Bucklers Hard (Middle/STd)
2025-07-11Phoenix Aquathlon Guildford 2
2025-07-12Arctic One Tri and Paratri Festival 2025
2025-07-13Cotswold Classic V2
2025-07-19Fortitude Castle to Coast Triathlon
2025-07-20Tribourne Middle Distance Triathlon
2025-07-26/27Outlaw Triathlon Weekend
2025-07-27Ironman Leeds
2025-08-02Phoenix Aquathlon Guildford 3
2025-08-03Big Cow Sport’s Cowman/Calfman Triathlon & Aquabike
2025-08-08Phoenix Aquathlon Gulidford 3
2025-08-31Brighton and Hove Triathlon
2025-09-07Southwater Relays
2025-09-07Daventry Triathlon
2025-09-14Bournemouth International (European Sprint Qualifier)
2025-09-14Ironman 70.3 Weymouth
2025-09-26/27Hever Castle Triathlon Festival
2026-03-01Tuff Fitty Frosty Aquathlon 2026 30th Anniversary

All Swim Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2025-03-28/30Swimathon weekend
2025-06-21REP Arun River 3.8km Swim
2025-07-05BHF Bournemouth Pier to Pier Swim
2025-07-05Canary Whard Swim 1 or 2 miles
2025-07/11 to 13Outdoor swimmer Henley Swim Festival
2025-07-26Club to Pub – Henley 1.5k swim
2025-08-10Thames Marathon Swim
2025-08-31Brighton and Hove Triathlon
2025-09-21Swim Long – Dorney Lake – Eton

All Bike Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2025-04-05Chichester Sportive 100
2025-04-05Glorious Gravel Dorset X
2025-04-12South Downs Gravel X
2025-04-12New Forest Classic (Saturday)
2025-04-13New Forest Classic (Sunday)
2025-04-19Salisbury PLain Epic Glorious Gravel
2025-04-20Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-04-27Greater Haywards Heath Bike Ride
2025-054-04Isle of Wight Cycling Randonnee
2025-05-10Surrey Hills Classic – Cranleigh
2025-05-18Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-06-15Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-06-28Surrey Gravel Epic
2025-07-27Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-08-31Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-09-20BHF London to Brighton Off Road
2025-09-21Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-09-27North Downs Gravel X
2025-10-25Kent Classic Sportive
2025-11-09Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day
2025-12-14Goodwood Motor Circuit – Cycle day

All Run Events Calendar Link to Tuff Fitty Events Calendar

The following events have been listed from information advertised, are listed for information purposes only and are subject to change. Tuff Fitty are NOT responsible for any errors in information or as to the provenance of any particular event.

2025-04-05REP Cowdray Estate Spring Trail Run
2025-04-06Brighton Marathon & 10k
2025-04-13REP Grand National 10k Trail Run
2025-04-13Paris Marathon
2025-04-16Worthing Rowing Club – Splash Point 5k
2025-04-27London Marathon
2025-04-27Manchester Marathon
2025-04-27REP Angmering Bluebell Trail Run
2025-05-04Worthing RunFest 10k/Half Marathon
2025-05-11Horsham 10K
2025-05-18Bognor Prom 10km
2025-05-28Littlehampton Beach Run
2025-06-08Worthing 10k
2025-06-08Brighton Ten
2025-06-08Run Wisborough 5km/10km
2025-06-14Silly Moo 7 with Run Brighton
2025-06-20Lightlink – sister race to Darklink
2025-06-21Race to the King Ultra
2025-06-27REP Cowdray Estate Summer Trail Run (+BBQ?)
2025-06-28Heritage Trail Events – Sparkling Run – Leonardslee
2025-06-29REP Romero Run 2km/5km/10km Run Date
2025-06-29Heritage Trail – Leonardslee Summer Run
2025-07-11Brighton 5:30 5K
2025-08-06WSFL Worthing Striders Highdown Hike Race
2025-08-16Sussex Trail Events – Beer Mile (provisional date)
2025-08-24Arundel 10k (Hiorne Tower)
2025-08-31Littlehampton 10k
2025-09-07The Sufferings
2025-09-20Swim Serpentine
2025-10-05Chichester Half / 10m & 6m
2025-10-05Hastings Half Marathon (Rescheduled)
2025-10-12Southend Pier Marathon
2025-10-19A J Bell Great South Run
2025-10-19Hove Prom 10k
2025-11-08South Downs Trail Run
2025-11-16Brighton 10k
2025-11-29Witterings Beach Run
2025-12-06Sussex Downs Trail Run (22km/12km/9km)

    To notify us of additional events, or whether Tuff Fitty members are participating in an event, please let us know using the form below:

    Your Name:

    Your Email:

    Event Name:

    Event Type:

    Event Description:

    Tuffs Entered:
