I need support for a mental health issue, is there someone who can help me?
We are committed to making Tuff Fitty a safe place for anyone to talk about their mental health issues and you will find many of our members are good listeners. But please remember that neither the club, nor the #not2TUFF2talk team are mental health professionals.
- If you are experiencing a mental health problem we would encourage you to contact our partners Coastal West Sussex Mind on 01903 277000 or info@coastalwestsussexmind.org. They will put you in touch with the right support for you.
- If you are caring for someone struggling with their mental health, you can also contact Carers Support West Sussex on 0300 028 8888 or info@carerssupport.org.uk.
- If you are feeling suicidal or in crisis, the best thing is to talk. Speak to somebody you trust or contact a service which can offer you support. If you think that somebody that you know might be suicidal – ask them.
- Sussex Mental Healthline: 0800 0309 500 (Text Relay: 0300 5000 101). Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, and 24 hours at weekends and bank holidays. in East Sussex and Brighton and Hove. In West Sussex lines are available 24 hours, seven days a week.
- The Samaritans: 116 123 offer 24-hour confidential emotional support for anyone in a crisis. This number is free from both landlines and mobiles. Or click here for the Samaritans website
- You can contact your GP or call the NHS 111 number to access specialist mental health telephone or face-to-face support.
- If you are known to mental health services and need urgent mental health support, you can contact your care co-ordinator.
- Accident & Emergency departments are a place you can go if you are in crisis.
- The National Mind Booklets How to Cope with Suicidal Feelings and Suicide – Supporting Someone Else both have lots of helpful information.
Where can I for more information?
If you want to find out more (whether you are a member or just interested in what we are doing) we would love to hear from you. Please talk to one of the #not2TUFF2talk team or message us below.
There are also some brilliant resources online about sport, physical activity and mental health. Here are two links to get you started:
- Mental Health Charter for Sports and Recreation.
- Sport, physical activity and mental health resources from MIND
#not2TUFF2talk team
- Graham
- Tiff
- Andy W
- David M